
Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct expresses our commitment to offer and conduct services ethically, It explains to act in integrity and transparency in everything we do and in accordance to our unique culture and values. It applies to each and every member of the Doogar & Associates team irrespective of the role and designation.
An Equal Opportunity Workplace Free of Discrimination or Harassment
  • We shall strive to provide a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. We shall never discriminate or allow harassment on the basis of race, colour, region, disability, gender, age or any other legally protected status.
  • This includes to ensure that no-one verbally or physically mistreat others or engage in offensive behavior
  • Use or distribution of addictives or alcohol in workplace/offices is prohibited.
  • Possession of weapons/firearms in workplace/offices is prohibited.
To Act with Integrity and Transparency :-
  • We shall be ethical and sincere to all services offered to clients.
  • The Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 prohibit Chartered Accountant firms of India from advertising and soliciting work through communication on public domain or ranking of various firms through comparison of different parameters. We shall comply with the Rules & Regulations and Codes of Ethics laid down by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India & Ethical Standard Board.
  • Distribution of our brief profile to clients on their requisition placed solely shall cater to the information and knowledge of our firm provided therein and does not account to advertising or soliciting of our services.
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption – prohibition of bribery and corruption :-
  • We shall comply with all laws, rules and regulations governing bribery and corruption in all the countries in which we operate or offer our services.
  • We may drive a hard bargain when it is in our interests, but we are committed to act professionally, fairly and with integrity. We shall prohibit bribery and corruption at all times and in any form, whether direct or indirect, including through sources, partners and other intermediaries.
  • We shall operate a zero tolerance policy toward bribery and corruption. This policy extends to all of our business dealings and transactions.
  • Each of us must take personal responsibility for abiding with this policy. This includes our most senior managers and Partners.
  • We shall not engage in any unethical, dishonest, misleading, illegal or improper practices in any country where we do business.
  • We shall use our best efforts to uphold the reputation and interests of our clients and shall not allow our interests to conflict with those of our clients.
  • We are committed to comply with the provisions of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA"), the UK Bribery Act, and/or any other anti-bribery law, regulation or code of any country in which we conduct business. In accordance with this, we will not, either directly or indirectly, make or offer a payment, or anything of value including commissions, fees, favors, or gifts, if intended for the purpose of securing an illegal or improper advantage or business benefit.

Organisation’s Confidential Information

  • Upon joining our firm, one shall sign and acknowledge the Confidentiality and Non- Disclosure Agreement which details their confidentiality obligations to the firm.
  • Information of a confidential, private, and sensitive nature must be used responsibly and controlled and protected to prevent its prohibited, arbitrary or careless disclosure.
  • The confidential information shall never be used for personal advantage or benefit to third parties.
  • Even upon leaving the organization, no information must be transferred or carried along for personal benefits or completion in industry.

To Lead by Example

  • We shall act with fairness and honesty in all our dealings - be objective or transaction oriented.
  • We shall make sure to whom we supervise and to whom we report must understand and follow the code and comply accordingly.
  • Support employees who in good faith raise queries and concern or co-operate with management investigations.

Committed to our clients

  • All employees and Partners shall meet clients and offer services as representative of the firm, Doogar & Associates.
  • Goodwill of the firm is one of the most important asset of our firm.
  • We shall not take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation concealment, abuse of privileged information, misinterpretation of facts or any other unfair dealing practice.
  • Our clients must always receive best quality of services.

Maintaining Accurate Records

  • We shall always maintain soft copies and original documentations of the audit and assurance services we offer to our client.
  • Administering Our Code
  • Administration shall always administer the code of conduct.
  • It shall always comply with the Rules & Regulations and Codes of Ethics laid down by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
  • As and when required, it shall implement amendments/modification which must be passed and acknowledged in Partners’ Meeting.

Disciplinary Actions Taken on Violation of Our Code

  • All the points covered in the Code are of the utmost importance.
  • Each and every one in the Firm is expected to adhere the rules laid down herein.
  • Violation/breach to the code of conduct shall include issue of a written notice to termination of employment depending on the severity of the offence made
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